Wow, the year is almost over, and…


Wow!  The year is almost over, and HURRAY!!!  The holiday season is almost over!  Not to sound bah-hum-bug, but I am ready to go back to normal.  And to start the accursed math class so I can get it over with.

College Aged Daughter is going back to her Dad’s house today to spend the rest of her holiday break there, and get ready for the next semester.  That will leave me and the two younger kids home for the next week, so I don’t anticipate getting  much done until next Thursday, beyond mailing out some sold orders tomorrow.

Went and saw Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows for the second time last night with the oldest child.  I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan.  I have heard alot of complaints from “purists” that this movie series doesn’t follow canon.  But these same people love BBC’s Sherlock who sing it’s praises.  Both are simply a different perspective of the same literary character.  Guess it falls into the “Can’t make everyone happy” catagory.  I personally love all the incarnations of these stories for the fact they are all different takes of the characters.  I do highly suggest that you watch this new movie twice.  I noticed lots of things the second time that I didn’t notice the first, because I was too focused on what happened next the first time.

My stamping supply place is having a sale.  I happily placed an order to get some new design stamps.  I am also clearancing out some of the non stamped jewelry on my Etsy site.  I want to downsize, and focus on the handstamped items and then getting through college.  Reallignment of priorities with the new year.

Holiday Baking


Baking list:  peanut butter blossoms (peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses on top), toll house chocolate chip cookies, banana nut bread, chow mein noodle cookies, pecan tassies, cream cheese cupcakes.  And Oldest Daughter is making cake pops to take to a friend’s party.  Good think I can send a tray to work with Hubby on Saturday!

Now the big question is, can I pull it off, and how much will I burn???

The good news is that I have sold another of the personalized heavy duty aluminum wrap rings.  And had another inquiry for one more.  The blanks should be here tomorrow at the latest, and then I have 6 to make.  I am very excited that there has been such a great response to these!

Off to shower and then go to the grocery store, I will let you know tomorrow how the marathon baking turns out.  Have a great day!



Hi!  Welcome to A Wanta Be Domestic Diva, my blog.  I am Leeanna, a stay at home Mommy of three.  I make and sell hand stamped jewelry under the name Lemon Lime Creations.  I also am addicted to Pinterest, and have a huge board entitled “Craft Things!”, which I might attempt to make in the near future.  Unfortunately, I am not the most domestic person you will every meet, thus the title to this blog.  Please don’t confuse it with the blog at, which is the website I sell my jewelry at.  That blog is for the business.  This blog is my personal blog.

Here is the story so far:  in September 2011, for various reasons, I resigned from a position with a home health company where I had a job that required me to wear multiple hats.  I chose, or the choice was made for me, to stay at home for a year or so, and attempt to get my business up and going.  I was making a broad range of items, many of which can be found on my Etsy store.  I have narrowed it down to hand stamped jewelry, because I love making it the best.

The cast:

Loving husband, who completely agreed with me taking a year off.  He is a retail manager with a large chain bookstore, and has decided to moonlight as a tax preparer in 2012 to see if he likes accounting.

Darling Daughter 1 who is 18 and attending college 10 hours away in lovely San Marcos.  She earned a scholarship, and has always loved the area.  Her dad (my x-husband) lives in Austin, which is an hour away, so she has family close.

Darling Daughter 2 who is 6.  She is the real reason I am no longer working, headstrong and diagnosised with high-functioning Autism.  She is in first grade.  Me being home means I can go up to the school as needed.

Sweet Baby Boy – okay, he’s 4, about to be 5 in 6 weeks.  He will start kindergarten with the next school year.  He is already reading and doing basic math, so he is more than ready.  Mommy on the other hand will be lonely when he starts.

The Etsy Store – up to now has been being used to clearance jewelry I had made that had not yet sold.  I also have my own domain name that I bought –

Honestly, as I was growing up, I never cared alot about cooking, sewing, crochet, etc.  That was Mom’s thing.  But now that I am pushing 40, I am realizing I should have spent more time learning.  I was too busy learning about Spock and Captian Kirk, and A Galaxy Far, Far Away.  Yes, I am a huge sci-fi / fantasy fan.  I think these day they just label it all under “Geekery”.  And it’s cool now?  When did that happen?

Anyway, the hubby is also a sci-fi / fantasy fan.  And he likes Batman, which makes me happy.

I am going to use this to chronicle the various family chronicles, my attempts at being a Domestic Diva, my love of geekery, and the joy of going back to college this next semester.

Yes, college.  I am looking real hard at Dental Hygiene.  I have worked in the medical field for the last ten years as a CNA and a Medical Biller.  I don’t want to go back to work in those postitions again, but I do want to stay in the medical field.  The first hurdle, before I can really commit to any program, is my archnemesis, College Algebra.  I am hoping to tackle it this coming semester if I can get into it.  If not, I will take Anatomy 2.